Denial should have been listed as the #1 reason for obstacles or hinderences in obtaining financial success. If one stays in denial then the process of becoming financially successful could never take place. See denial is clearly the fear of not wanting to admit the truth. Denial will cause you to do the blame game and consistantly stay in an unproductive mode. We are all expected to be successful, but we can't if we don't acknowledge the issues that are keeping us from our goals. Most of us spend a lifetime chasing money and power. We chase it in our jobs, in our businesses, and with our friends. In this new calander year embrass not the need of money, but the urgency of fulfilling your dreams and destiny. Fulfilling your dreams and destiny is far more rewarding and fulfilling than money could ever be in your life. Money is only the evidence of your success, but not your success. What have you been living for? Have you been living just to say you have become rich, but yet find yourself lonely and unfulfilled. "What good is a man to profit the whole world but loose his soul?" Don't let the denial of your true existance cause you to miss the mark!
How many times have you said those very words? How many times have you felt overwhelmed, under qualified, unappreciated, not good enough for the task, just plain out ineffective? We have quit so many times in our minds due to circumstances, emotions, thoughts, and outside influences that we can not count! As a matter of fact although we think we have only quit in our minds for that moment we don't realize the seed that we planted in our own minds which is the seed of quitting and failing. QUITTING IS NO LONGER AN OPTION OR A THOUGHT TO BE CONSIDERED! In life whatever the journey that we find ourselves on we must remember that the journey is not by our hand but the hand of the Most High God. He wrote the book of our life with plans, strategies, and outcomes. He knew who He created us to be. However we fall into the trap of our emotions and other's opinions that we fell to realize that although the journey seems impossible and we appear to be incapable, we have already succes...
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